Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marie and Pierre Curie Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marie and Pierre Curie - Article Example On top of her educational shortcomings, Curie could not speak fluent French. All of her classes were in French. Instead of giving up, Curie began studying in order to succeed. She scrimped on her food rations, rarely eating meat. Curie also did not buy coal and had to put all her clothes on top of her for warmth. All of these sacrifices were made in order for Curie to receive an education. She did end up graduating at the top of her class in physics and mathematics. The lesson in this article is students today need to have the same drive as Curie. Students today have food, shelter, and warmth. Learning for them should be easier. Despite all the obstacles, Curie did the impossible and learned. This story should inspire all students. With hard work and dedication, every student can achieve their goals. The reason students are not achieving what Curie did is the lack of drive and focus. Students today do not want to work hard for their education. The only perspective of this woman I did not like was the treatment of her child. Curie got married and had a baby, but these events did not seem important to her. Physics and being in the lab was the most important thing in her life. The role of women at the time was to be married and have children. Curie was different, but did not fight against the system. She did what was expected. Thus the roles of wife and mother were not given 100%. Curie could have done

Monday, October 28, 2019

Managing Change in the Workplace Essay Example for Free

Managing Change in the Workplace Essay To begin the critical analysis of how a change of event in the work place reflects upon, not only the management of the change process but also the impact that change can have upon the organisation and the quality of the service provided. Firstly it may be worth nothing the definition of ‘change’ is quoted in Webster’s English Dictionary as †¦. â€Å"Change (transitive verb) to make different, to alter; to transform; to exchange; to put fresh clothes on. (2006 p73) As a manager of a setting one’s personal experience would tell that there are many different types of ‘change’ that can arise in a private day nursery, one example has recently occurred where two qualified members of the team, who both worked together in the baby room, terminated their contract of employment within weeks of each other. This became a problem as it only gave the company four weeks to: advertise the position, interview candidates and compare them to the person specification required for the job, then upon occupying the positions the new recruits needed to learn the everyday practices and bond with the children and of course the parents, who maybe understandably concerned with the issue. Therefore the process of change has to be organised to make the transition a smooth one. However as people we exist within contradiction. On the one hand, we need stability and security to perform well but on the other hand we can become stagnant, complacent and uncreative when we shy away from change or even when we find we simply cannot cope with it. It seems that we are more interested in the process of change and what the implications of change actually are. As there is no way of predicting when change will happen, as a manager it is better to be equipped to deal with it when it does. Any manager will tell you that in the nursery world staff turnover can be high. Therefore being better equipped will also create an environment where change is a natural and exciting organic process. (Cole 2006 p.111) Consequently a manager needs to begin looking at the limitations they unconsciously place upon themselves. The greater our own understanding of how we are affected by change and how we react to it, the better prepared we will be to deal with it whether that change is by our own choice or someone elses. (Mabey and Mayon-White, 1993 p8) Before looking at change management, it is important to mention that some people thrive on change. They can not stay in one job, in one relationship or in one country for very long. They need to shake up their own status quo. They sometimes create change just for the sake of it (Cannon. 1994 p 246) This on the other hand can cause problems to other people within the setting; people are pattern-making mechanisms. In general, our systems are more comfortable with pattern and routine than with change. Once a pattern is established, the left side of our brains (the logical, analytical, pattern-making sphere) will quite happily keep marching along that path. (Veccio1988 p 34) Any type of change that occurs asks us to change a point of view and adopt a way of seeing the world that is at odds with the way we are used to seeing it, thus causing us to tap into our insecurities. We can develop a feeling of unsure-ness, a sense of not quite knowing what the is ‘right’ thing to do. There is no longer a predictable, reliable pattern to follow, and where children are concerned, parents have to deal with these insecurities and worries immediately, simply being a voice for their children. One of the challenges with ‘Change Management’ is to maintain the current business operations while the changes are being implemented. A framework needs to be created and maintained within a positive environment, this will help people accept the changes leaving them prepared and committed to assist with implementing them. Employees need to feel empowered rather than feeling they are being manipulated or coerced, and focus needs to be on the long-term goals rather than on a quick-fix to the situation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Smoking Addiction Essay -- essays research papers fc

Smoking Addiction Smoking is an extremely addictive habit that usually forms in the early teen years. We should be targeting our children from the time they enter elementary school to prepare them for this temptation and encourage them to steer clear of this problem (Schoebel 287). There is no sure cure for smoking, and every method requires willingness, dedication, and will power. Smokers should recognize the serious health risks they are facing every time they light a cigarette and accept that quitting such an addictive habit would only come with some amount of discomfort. Is there anyone who does not know someone who smoke's? Everyone has a family member, friend, or coworker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just being around them you are also smoking, only you have not made that choice. Before you choose to take this risk you should think about what may happen to your body. There are many factors that you should take very seriously; smoking is a hazardous habit because it leads to addiction, disease, and high-risk pregnancy. As advertisements have shown on commercial on television that smoking is a way to relax and to be cool by smoking cigarettes, they never show you the negative side of it. For example, addiction is one of the bad side effects and it is caused by nicotine. Once you inhale the cigarette you will then feel or want the need for another one, and you may have different personalities and change because of the addiction. You may get more grouchy and violent behavior and need a cigarette to relax, but instead it is doing more damage. Researchers have found ways to control addictions and some have succeeded. People at a younger age start to get addicted by the nicotine in the cigarette and this is where the problem starts (Schoebel 125). The hazards of smoking lead to many fatal diseases and should persuade people to quit their habit. First, a major reason why people should quit smoking is that many people are dying of cancer. For instance, the statistics say that in the United States six out of ten people are dying daily due to lung cancer (Weitzman 214). This disease is killing people if it is not detected promptly. Another reason for quitting smoking is heart disease and its consequences. For example, many people suffer from heart failure, but even though they know about smoking and its dangers, they do not stop their habit un... ... alarming is that secondhand smoke contains greater concentrations of certain carcinogens than primary smoke. It also contains greater amounts of nicotine and tar, both strong and addictive toxins. There are positive and negative effects to smoking, but mostly negative. Personally, I don’t have an opinion about this topic. I really think that a person, no matter what they are told, are going to smoke. Nothing can change their minds, if they don’t want to change it. It’s a difficult topic, and in my opinion, it’s bad for you, but in some people’s minds, they just don’t care about what will harm their bodies. Smoking for people is a stress reliever and I think that it’s better than hurting yourself in a different way to relieve stress. Works Cited Dhillion, Sulchraj S. (1993). Cigarette Smoking: What its Doing to Smokers And Nonsmokers. PPI Publishing. Fred, Peter A. and Oxom, Harry. (1980) Smoking for Two: Cigarettes and Pregnancy. The Free Press. Schoebel, Robert. (2001). Keep your Kids Tobacco-Free: Smart Strategies for Parents of Children Ages 3 through 19. New Market Press. Weitzman, Elizabeth. (1998). Let's Talk About Smoking. Hazelden Information and Educational Services.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Vocation and Spiderman :: essays research papers

VOCATION Vocation in my own words is the path God has chosen for you too follow; it is what one is destined to be. There are many different types of vocation. Some people are destined to lead a life of dedication to God, others to be parents and some to be single have regular jobs. Vocation is not something that you are born knowing you have to look within yourself to find what God has created you to be. Finding your vocation is not an easy thing that why a lot of people end up in divorce, hating there job or depressed. Throughout Spiderman 2, Peter struggles with his identity, and even takes a "leave of absence" from his "vocation" to sort out his true desires. When the people he loves, especially Mary Jane, are suddenly in grave, mortal peril, he remembers his true self and saves them all, remarking that "Sometimes you have to give up what you really want in order to do what is really right." The villain manages to send an entire elevated trainload of people hurtling out of control to their death, and it's up to Spiderman to save them. He doesn't have the strength of Superman to stop out of control trains or airplanes, so he uses the gifts at his disposal. He stands on the front of the out of control train, stretches out his arms in both directions, and fires off web after web after web at passing skyscrapers. He grabs all the webs tightly in both hands. His arms are pulled back against the train, and his entire body is nailed there against the train, against the people he needs to save. His arms stretched out in a heroic act, Peter Parker becomes Christ on the cross. Peter Parker is confused, he doesn’t know weather his vocation is to be with the Mary Jane or to be Spiderman.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Essay

A motive is a specific need or drive that arouses you and directs your behavior toward a certain goal. Emotion refers to the experience of feelings, (such as fear, sadness, happiness, etc) which also affects behavior. They push us to take some kind of action whether we are aware of it or not. Psychologists have put these behaviors into 3 categories: Arousal Theory, Drive-Reduction Theory, and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (Morris, 2012). Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation Shannon comes to work every day on time. She does her job as assigned, works hard, takes on challenging tasks to improve performance, and ensures that this is noticed by others. She is very clear about the expectations for her position as well as the criteria for evaluation. During annual evaluations, she hopes her evaluation scores are high enough for her to be eligible for a merit raise. One of her primary goals for this year is to be nominated for the employee of the year at the company’s annual dinner, which comes with both a preferred parking and a cash bonus. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation may increase Shannon’s motivation because it motivates her to see others see her doing a good job and this behavior can be defined as intrinsic motivation because of the praise she gets from others. Her behavior is also motivated by the goal of being employee of the year, which comes with rewards and this can be defined as extrinsic motivation. Although Shannon enjoys her job the motivation of an award is what motivates her the most. She is motivated extrinsically by the rewards she may receive for her behavior at work, therefore her intrinsic motivation and sense of responsibility for her behavior are likely to increase. The Arousal theory may decrease Shannon’s motivation because she doesn’t need to be stimulated to do her job, and there are no incentives in the end to reward her for a job well done. She is not seeking a thrill for her behavior; she will perform better with praise and rewards (Morris, 2012). Arousal Theory Joe enjoys coming to work each day. He finds pleasure in the outcome of his work. He believes his work helps others. He seeks out new ways to make his work more effective, and often initiates new work projects. He likes to stay busy throughout the day. He sometimes has a hard time if there is not enough work to do. He has no desire to leave the organization and would like to continue to be promoted within the company as he gains experience. The Arousal Theory can best motivate Joe because he is a thrill seeker and is motivated by the challenge of seeking new ways to make his work more effective. Joe is a sensation seeker and without it he will become bored with his work. He needs to keep his arousal at an optimum level in order to be productive. The Drive- Reduction theory may decrease Joe’s motivation because it’s the drive that keeps him going. Homeostasis or balance may not be enough excitement for him, and will lower his motivation and ambition at work. His primary and secondary drives are already established by his work performance, and his reward is the knowledge he has gained (Morris, 2012). These achievement-oriented behaviors can be very useful in the work place because everyone need a motive to do a good job. An employee can motivate by giving new challenges to a bored employee whose job has become routine and boring like in the Arousal Theory, or by giving incentives such as praise and bonuses as mentioned in the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Theory. Once an employer observe an individual’s behavior and work ethics they can decide which method will best motivate their employee to do a good job and enjoy it as well (Morris, 2012). References Morris,C. (2012). Understanding Psychology( 10th ed.).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Appalachian Poverty

Appalachian Poverty Poverty is a global problem, and it has existed from the beginning of civilization. Hunger, homelessness, and lack of health care are major aspects of this worldwide dilemma. Many countries are in complete poverty and a majority are third-world countries. Within the United States of America, a land of plenty, there are also pockets of extreme poverty. Governments around the world are trying to solve this huge problem. Third world poverty and Appalachian poverty, which occurred in the United States of America, have developed for various reasons, and these situations have led to a great deal of problems. Throughout the world, poverty has plagued all countries. In smaller, under-developed countries many people die from starvation. These countries cannot afford to support their citizens. Due to their financial problems, the people lack proper shelter and clothing to keep themselves warm during cold months. Since they lack adequate shelter and clothing, diseases occur all over. These diseases develop a lot easier with poor nutrition. Once again with more financial problems, health care is limited to none. Lawrence Senesh, the contributor of "Poverty as a Social Problem" from World Book, says poverty is usually caused by the difficulty in holding and even getting a job (650). Ability, education, and skills help determine the kind of job an individual gets (650). Everyone does not have the same physical abilities and mental abilities. Poor health and abilities prevent some people from holding a job. Through science people have been able to hold onto jobs a lot easier (650). It has increased the need for professional workers and lowered the demand for the unskilled (650). So, the people with higher education will get paid a higher income, and people with lower education will get paid a lower income. Changes in economic slumps can often bring poverty. When businesses drop off and ... Free Essays on Appalachian Poverty Free Essays on Appalachian Poverty Appalachian Poverty Poverty is a global problem, and it has existed from the beginning of civilization. Hunger, homelessness, and lack of health care are major aspects of this worldwide dilemma. Many countries are in complete poverty and a majority are third-world countries. Within the United States of America, a land of plenty, there are also pockets of extreme poverty. Governments around the world are trying to solve this huge problem. Third world poverty and Appalachian poverty, which occurred in the United States of America, have developed for various reasons, and these situations have led to a great deal of problems. Throughout the world, poverty has plagued all countries. In smaller, under-developed countries many people die from starvation. These countries cannot afford to support their citizens. Due to their financial problems, the people lack proper shelter and clothing to keep themselves warm during cold months. Since they lack adequate shelter and clothing, diseases occur all over. These diseases develop a lot easier with poor nutrition. Once again with more financial problems, health care is limited to none. Lawrence Senesh, the contributor of "Poverty as a Social Problem" from World Book, says poverty is usually caused by the difficulty in holding and even getting a job (650). Ability, education, and skills help determine the kind of job an individual gets (650). Everyone does not have the same physical abilities and mental abilities. Poor health and abilities prevent some people from holding a job. Through science people have been able to hold onto jobs a lot easier (650). It has increased the need for professional workers and lowered the demand for the unskilled (650). So, the people with higher education will get paid a higher income, and people with lower education will get paid a lower income. Changes in economic slumps can often bring poverty. When businesses drop off and ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Ways of Greenhouse Gases Reducing

The Ways of Greenhouse Gases Reducing Introduction Global warming is a global problem that has raised a lot of concern. This issue has attracted attention of many researchers with the aim of finding ways of address it. The environment is vital for human survival. Both plants and animals entirely depend on the environment for growth and development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ways of Greenhouse Gases Reducing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Casper (2010, p. 94) argues that since the days of industrial revolution, the environment and its resources have greatly been threatened. Industries have been reported to affect the environment at a very high rate. This is because of the high levels of greenhouse gases emitted from these industries. This situation is worsened by the fact that now many nations are developing and there is a rising level of industrialization. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the environment is increasing on daily basis. Carbon sinks have been cleared with the increase of the high demanding population across nations. Epstein (1990, p. 121) points out that effects of global warming are evident and felt with serious damages to nations. For example, many nations are suffering from frequent floods, droughts, tornadoes, poor and unequal rainfall patterns, and many other effects resulting from global warming. Among the developed nations, the United States and China lead in emission of the greenhouse gases and hence frequently suffer from the effect of the same. The developing countries are equally emitting high levels of greenhouse gases in their quest to develop. These emissions however produced from different nations have a global impact. According to Ramseur and Yacobucci (2008, p. 112), the environment as said earlier is very useful for sustaining human life. For people to continue enjoying the environmental resources the environment should therefore be conserved and its resources harvested sustainabl y. This paper seeks to explore the ways in which greenhouse gases can be reduced to curb global warming. Discussion With an effort to address global warming, many suggestions and ways have been raised to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and avoid global warming are not a one man’s or one nation’s duty. There is need for nations to collaborate. A participatory approach where every member of the society is involved can be very effective. Many ways can be employed to reduce emission of greenhouse gases. The governments should enact and implement policies that are geared towards reducing emissions of the greenhouse gases. These policies should strictly encourage a Zero emission of greenhouse gases. If an industry has to emit either of the greenhouse gases, a fixed level of emission that is harmless to the environment should be stated.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government should ensure that such industries, companies, and businesses report publicly on their carbon emissions. This will make the companies to be extra careful not to emit or exceed the required emission levels. Low- carbon technologies should be encouraged in all sectors to reduce greenhouse gases emission. This may be achieved by the government offering some donations to its citizens to install low-carbon technologies like use of solar energy. A nation may also apply principles like the polluter pay principle where a company or an individual pays a certain fee for polluting the environment. Industries may be forced to pay equally to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the environment. This will help in making the companies and the public to be more responsible and careful in handling their emissions and other wastes. According to Casper (2010, p. 78), Carbon sinks such as forests have been cleared for agricu ltural purposes to provide for the needs of the daily increasing population. Nations should create awareness to the public on the need to have small families. The importance of forests should as well be explained to communities. By so doing, these communities will consequently conserve the forests. This will highly contribute in reducing the concentration levels for greenhouse gases. There is need for nations to encourage companies and people within the communities to practice recycling and re-use of items. Things like polythene bags may be recycled. This reduces the accumulation of such polythene bags into the environment thereby reducing the amount of emissions when they are burnt as wastes in the environment. According to Ramseur and Yacobucci (2008, p. 78), there are many other ways although not put into consideration by many nations that can help in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases effectively. These may include holding energy management awards, rewarding companies wit h zero or less emission, promoting carbon-trading, rewarding communities with well-conserved forests among others. These factors motivates companies and communities to work hard towards ensuring that they do not ,engage in ,activities that in any way leads to the emission of greenhouse gases. All these factors when applied results to a greenhouse gases free nation, thereby curbing global warming and its impacts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ways of Greenhouse Gases Reducing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The discussion above clearly points out that environment is a source of livelihood for many lives. Reducing greenhouse gases is very important in ensuring that this environment is protected in order to ensure its sustainability. The greenhouse gases have serious negative consequences to the environment. The impact is long lasting and devastating. If not addressed properly, this issue may create a permanent negative impact on the environment. List of References Casper, J 2010, Greenhouse gases: Worldwide Impacts, Facts on File, New York. Epstein, J 1990, Controlling the greenhouse effect: Five global regimes compared, Brookings Institution, Washington. Ramseur, J Yacobucci, B 2008, Greenhouse gases: Management, reduction, and impact, Novinka Books, New York.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Death in General

Death in General Jorman HerreraDeath in GeneralIt's been a lazy day for Thiago at his house, he has been just watching movies and eating. It's been pouring rain all day so he decided to not go out. Until the afternoon, the rain becomes just a drizzle and let's a cool breeze inside the house that gives him a chill through his skin. Throughout the whole day there was a gloomy atmosphere. Thiago has had most of the lights off in the house. It's been quiet around the house because whole family was out of town. Until he finally decides to glance at the clock, which has become 11, and feels it's time to go to sleep. He drops onto his cozy bed and wraps himself in his blankets, looking upward toward the ceiling. Shadows appear because of the gaps in the blinds getting hit by the light outside. Due to the shadows, the environment represents how Thiago feels like he is being watched. ©2012 Thiago Nascimento.He manages to ignore it and focus on getting some rest.It becomes one of those nights where his head is full of thoughts and he knocks out of nowhere. Just random thoughts leading into another one, playing with your mind and view of your life at times. It makes you think about all of those ideas going through your mind everyday. Thiago has gotten to the moment his brain is just bringing up ideas automatically. Yet he doesn't realize this and slowly starts floating into his own dream. He feels like if he were awake but doesn't know his thoughts are coming from his dream. He gets a need of running out of the house into the darkness of his backyard. Going in deeper and deeper into the woods till the point its pitch black...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Economic Costs and Benefits of Introducing Minimum Wage in a Essay

Economic Costs and Benefits of Introducing Minimum Wage in a Competitive Labour Market - Essay Example Given that the parents are well educated, it is also expected that their children with have the equal opportunity for a good education. Aside from biological and cultural factors, industrialization has been pointed as the main cause of inequality which started between the agriculture and the industrial sectors. Industrialization can lead to a lesser demand for human resources. Therefore, increase in competition among the workers is possible. In line with this, the unequal resources such as the access to education between the rich and the less fortunate people resulted to a wider gap on the distribution of wealth between the two sectors of the society. Using the law of supply and demand, this study will examine the economic costs and benefits of introducing minimum wage within a competitive labor market. Eventually, whether or not there will be any changes in the economic cost and benefit analysis will be answered given that the only employer within the labor market is the monopsony. Minimum wage is referring to the minimum hourly, daily, or monthly wage wherein employers are required to pay the workers in exchange for their service. Specifically, in the UK, the minimum wage is  £5.93 per hour (BBC News 2010). Normally, the government implements the minimum wage law in order to protect the socio-economic welfare of the workers from abusive employers. As a result of implementing a minimum wage law, workers could enjoy the benefit of improving their standard of living by actually removing poverty from the lives of the people (Daniel 2010; Filion 2009). Since employed individuals will be able to receive a minimum wage, these people will be able to enjoy the benefit of spending more money on purchasing their preferred basic commodities which are necessary in order to stimulate the national and international economic growth (Daniel 2010).  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Was it the suffragette movement, or the changes brought about by the Essay

Was it the suffragette movement, or the changes brought about by the great war, that enabled women to get the vote in 1918 - Essay Example So, some believe that the World War I is the major reason for women suffrage and few others believe that the suffrage movements played the key role. The suffrage movement in itself represents a broad range of protests and social movements and had people of both gender with varying views. For instance, Emmeline Pankhurst, who led the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903, was one of the leaders of suffrage movement and an English political activist and was so militant in the approach. There were diverse views about the â€Å"woman’s place† the different groups fought for. Some of them strongly felt that women were naturally kind and weak, and that these qualities may contribute towards political agenda and policies that have a great bearing on household, children and other social safety. They felt that they might have a civilizing effect on political affairs; for example, laws regarding alcohol or child safety, can be best supported and decided by women. A few others voiced for suffrage based on their strong belief in equal rights and woman’s role. They were against any discourse that listed any n atural role for women, rather supported the idea that men and women are equal and capable of same things. While such groups were led by their ideologies about women, other supporters of suffrage were guided by the opinion that all adults have franchise irrespective of class, gender or race. A significant section felt that women suffrage can cancel the votes of men belonging to lower class or non-white race. Each political activist group working towards women suffrage had its own ideology but working towards the same end. Suffrage basically revolved around the idea of human rights and equality. The history of suffrage movement goes back to 1800’s when, the first women’s rights meeting was held in Unites States and this was followed by the rising egalitarian or democratic spirit among women. However, it was the Nineteenth Amendment that

The Lottery Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Lottery - Research Paper Example That is the main reason why the lottery happens every year although not everyone truly looks forward to it. This research paper takes a critical look at this story to establish how the writer uses imagery and other devices to communicate the central theme of the danger of blindly following customs. These exposes underlying backwardness and hypocrisy with which the administrative authority run its affairs (Hattenhauer, p.171). It goes further to draw comparisons and contrasts between Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† and Jane Glaspell’s â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers† focusing on the main characters that are both females living in a male dominated and conservative societies. They symbolize change as they are the ones out to change how things happen by their actions and words. â€Å"The Lottery† The friendly tone that Jackson uses to write the story and the way that she describes the days’ events leading up to the lottery draw actually manages to initially hide the darkness that is actually represented by the lottery (Smith, p.170). No doubt that not a single person in the town ever looked forward to the lottery draws every year because nobody wants to end up being pelted to death with stones just because your name was drawn out of a box. Before we establish the kind of lottery to be done, the preliminary preparations does not depict any kind of violence to give the image of a typically organized society. The man in charge of the process is very shabby and carries a black box that has been used for a very long time without being replaced; this depicts this tradition as an old custom that has no place in the modern society. According to Smith (p.117), the lottery as a practice feeds the blood lust of the villagers and the hypocrisy of the practice. In fact, it could also represent a study of the human psyche that shows how nobody truly knows his neighbor and how mundane activities could actually hold an evil intention behind it. The event is organized in a very shambolic manner with pieces of paper used to write the residents’ name for selection purposes. These events were organized in order to connect with the gods and ancestors for favour of blessings and abundant harvests. The writer however punches holes in the exercise even saying that these people did not even have an idea why they were taking part. They preserve this archaic tradition because it was passed down generations but no factual explanation of when and how it was started. According to Showalter (p.411), the lottery practice in the town itself presents society’s weakness and their ties traditions that they continue to practice even though everyone has already forgotten why the tradition started in the first place. Never mind the fact that they continue to practice legalized murder just because the society is afraid of what might happen if they actually stop the practice of murdering a person from the town every year as an o ffering for an excellent harvest. I find it hard to believe that nobody in the town questioned the reason for the lottery and its outcome. Even harder to fathom is why the townspeople pretend to be excited by the lottery when it is not something that normal thinking people would look forward for annual participation (Duffield, p.62). It can't just truly be all about not wanting to ruffle any feathers when it came to townspeople participation in the event. Why would somebody be afraid of being rejected by their neighbors for not wanting to participate in a bloodbath year after year? No. This was a town that rejected change and the disruption of traditions for some reason. The lottery ends in murder committed annually in a very inhuman way; the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thomas Davison finance report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Thomas Davison finance report - Essay Example Salaries Wages and Payroll Costs A more detailed study of the available accounting data reveals that Salaries and Wages showed a 9.6% negative variance over the budgeted amount and Payroll Costs also showed a negative variance of 9.6%. While Salaries and Wages are basically the amount of money paid to employees and are self explanatory, it must be mentioned that Payroll Costs essentially consist of employers’ contribution to social security and other statutory expenditures incurred by an employer in connection with employing a personnel. These variances, though noteworthy, can, however, be explained. One must remember there is a genuine dearth of good manpower in the area of operation of our company and the management must be prepared to pay high remuneration packages if they are intent upon selecting the best that is available in the market. So, an increase in Salaries and Wages and Salaries is bound to happen if the company wishes to remain competitive. The increase in Payro ll Costs by almost an equal percentage is obvious as these are statutory liabilities that are bound to increase if Salaries and Wages increase. The main variance, however, lies in Recruitment Costs which is a massive 82% over what had been budgeted. This surely needs some serious analysis. Employee Training and Development Costs The foundation of any organization is talented and hardworking people who are the principal assets of any firm, especially one that is involved in providing consultancy services. It is an established fact that the growth of an organization requires continual infusion of quality staff and an organization can achieve its objectives only when it has the right person in right positions (Carlson, Connerley and Mecham 2002). But this is a continuous process that just does not begin and end with getting hold of suitable people and somehow put them on company’s payroll. Even in a situation where only a single job vacancy might attract a few hundreds of applic ations, there is a challenge of selecting the most appropriate one. Freshly appointed persons might need orientation training to familiarize them of the way things are done in the organization. And, in case they have been selected only on the basis of academic qualifications and aptitude for learning, they might need training in specific skills as well. The employee’s experiences during orientation and placement form their ‘first impression’ of the organization. So, any organization, especially a service provider like us that is so very much dependent on the quality of human resources available at our disposal we should be extra cautious about ensuring that the new recruits get a very good â€Å"first impression’ about our organization. This would motivate employees and who does not know that a motivated employee is the costliest resource that an organization can ever possess. However, training and development is never restricted to new employees. Even ex isting employees, whilst on job, need training for up-gradation of knowledge and skills and for preparing for higher responsibilities. One should never lose sight of the acutely competitive market where we operate. It is absolutely necessary for our company to be well acquainted with cutting edge technology in order to remain at the top of the heap and this can only happen if there is a continuous system of training and deve

Operations Decision Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations Decision - Research Paper Example The managers need to develop the skills of handling all the operational problems that arise during the course of decision making. It is important that all the environmental factors are taken into account so that the managers have all the information about the internal and external factors important for the organization’s improved performance and make effective decisions with utmost ease. In order to achieve the maximum level of operational efficiency, the managers need to make sure that they allocate the resources appropriately and utilize them in the best possible manner; the decision for resource allocation is very crucial and it is important that all the factors are properly taken into account. In case of small companies, the environment tends to be less competitive and the decisions can be made on the basis of intuition that require minimum quantitative analysis; while, in the case of large organizations that are operating in a huge market, the managers need to use both qu alitative and quantitative methods so that economical decisions are taken (Matasniemi, 2008). ... y in the case is the Operational Research method as it is the most scientific method of identifying the problems that arise in the management of operations of the business that comprise of employees, machines, material, resources along with macro environment factors such as government, defense, business and industry (Banarjee, 2012). Inline Skating Industry The company â€Å"Skating International† has its own market and currently, there are few competitors that are making foils and sails that are used by few skaters. The brand name is â€Å"Achievers† and it will be the only brand that will provide superb quality skating shoes at reasonable prices. The main aim of the company is to provide the customers with skating accessories that will help them in fulfilling their desire of having exceptional sensation towards enjoying skating. Research has shown that the companies that are manufacturing these accessories don’t use the sails that must be designed for skating; in fact, the sails are suitable for skateboards and windsurfing. Although there are many manufacturers of skates but still there is no single company that is manufacturing the skates’ accessories. The products that are being offered by the company will be Skate Sails, Blade Boots and Skate Aid. All of these products will be made from superb quality raw materials so that they are durable and the customers get their value for money. Competitor Analysis In order to survive in the dynamic environment in which changes are taking place at an accelerating rate, it is important that the companies do their environmental analysis on an ongoing basis. The skate sales have increased drastically in the last couple of years and the distribution within and outside the country has doubled as well. Although Skating

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thomas Davison finance report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Thomas Davison finance report - Essay Example Salaries Wages and Payroll Costs A more detailed study of the available accounting data reveals that Salaries and Wages showed a 9.6% negative variance over the budgeted amount and Payroll Costs also showed a negative variance of 9.6%. While Salaries and Wages are basically the amount of money paid to employees and are self explanatory, it must be mentioned that Payroll Costs essentially consist of employers’ contribution to social security and other statutory expenditures incurred by an employer in connection with employing a personnel. These variances, though noteworthy, can, however, be explained. One must remember there is a genuine dearth of good manpower in the area of operation of our company and the management must be prepared to pay high remuneration packages if they are intent upon selecting the best that is available in the market. So, an increase in Salaries and Wages and Salaries is bound to happen if the company wishes to remain competitive. The increase in Payro ll Costs by almost an equal percentage is obvious as these are statutory liabilities that are bound to increase if Salaries and Wages increase. The main variance, however, lies in Recruitment Costs which is a massive 82% over what had been budgeted. This surely needs some serious analysis. Employee Training and Development Costs The foundation of any organization is talented and hardworking people who are the principal assets of any firm, especially one that is involved in providing consultancy services. It is an established fact that the growth of an organization requires continual infusion of quality staff and an organization can achieve its objectives only when it has the right person in right positions (Carlson, Connerley and Mecham 2002). But this is a continuous process that just does not begin and end with getting hold of suitable people and somehow put them on company’s payroll. Even in a situation where only a single job vacancy might attract a few hundreds of applic ations, there is a challenge of selecting the most appropriate one. Freshly appointed persons might need orientation training to familiarize them of the way things are done in the organization. And, in case they have been selected only on the basis of academic qualifications and aptitude for learning, they might need training in specific skills as well. The employee’s experiences during orientation and placement form their ‘first impression’ of the organization. So, any organization, especially a service provider like us that is so very much dependent on the quality of human resources available at our disposal we should be extra cautious about ensuring that the new recruits get a very good â€Å"first impression’ about our organization. This would motivate employees and who does not know that a motivated employee is the costliest resource that an organization can ever possess. However, training and development is never restricted to new employees. Even ex isting employees, whilst on job, need training for up-gradation of knowledge and skills and for preparing for higher responsibilities. One should never lose sight of the acutely competitive market where we operate. It is absolutely necessary for our company to be well acquainted with cutting edge technology in order to remain at the top of the heap and this can only happen if there is a continuous system of training and deve

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 18

Human Resource Management - Essay Example This makes me set my direction in the field of information systems only where after completing my Masters in Information Systems, I will enter the corporate world, equipped with my learning, knowledge, skills gained and abilities polished. Talking of my skills, choosing computers at the very beginning of my academic career has imparted a lot of technical skills in me. Further more, computer science involves frequent group projects and team works which has helped me improve upon my communication and interpersonal skills. Now when I am into my Majors, regular presentations, case studies and other assignments are further helping me develop and nurture my managerial skills in the way I manage my time, interact with others and plan my activities to attain short term objectives. This combination of all kinds of skills and knowledge in the fastest growing domain in business presents a plethora of opportunities ahead. Companies are in continuous search for competent computer professionals where I feel I can contribute a lot through my skills and abilities. I am also aware of the growing impetus on employee performance and provision of incentive plans and promotional opportunities based on performance and contribution made. As such, I plan to constantly build up my current inventory of knowledge, skills and abilities through regular training and courses (Rouda & Mitchell 1996). This is important because computer science and information systems is one area where every day new technology comes in, turning the previous one obsolete. Thus to remain competitive in my career, I need to constantly strive to enhance my capabilities and existing skill set. The company will also provide for my training and development but I will also look for regular certification on my own. This will make me more dynamic in my work and in a position to demand more for my services and work. In this light, company and

Crime in America Essay Example for Free

Crime in America Essay Crime statistics tells us the variation of crimes that are being committed in the United States. The Bureau of Statistics compiles information processed in the federal justice system and gives us statistics on the many different crimes in America. This is a site that compiles crimes and tells us about how many different crimes are being committed and how many times they are being committed. This also gives us an idea of how much space we need to house these criminals. There are many jails and prisons that are over populated. Statistics also tell us that our crime fighting is not as good as it should be. With the websites for crime reporting this helps us to see what crimes are being committed and, how we can prepare for this and, how to prevent it. There is not a way to stop all crime or even prevent it but if we know what crimes are being committed more it will help us get a better understanding on how to catch the criminals that are involved in this type of behavior. In my honest opinion no crime is ever going to be completely stopped. If we all work together to pinpoint the main crimes we may also be more prepared to deal with them and catch the individuals involved. Crime in America today is on the rise the question is how to fix it before it gets out of hand. There are many different crime reporting measuring systems today. These help us get an idea of what crimes are being committed the most in what areas. With these types of statistics we may be able to start fighting crime in these areas to prevent further destruction in our communities. The Nation’s two crime measures are the UCR program and the NCVS. The UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting) this program collects information on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. It compiles data monthly from the state agencies that report to the FBI. This system examines each report for accuracy or errors that may have occurred. It compares each monthly report to previous months and years to determine how much crime was committed from each month to each year. It gives us a detailed annual report. This comes in handy when trying to figure out if crime is on the rise or it is decreasing. The NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) this program gives us a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims and trends. This is used to uncover crime, update the survey methods and broaden the scope of crimes measured. The survey is designed to collect detailed information on the frequency and nature of the crimes that are being committed. This helps us to determine how many times this crime is committed and how it is being committed. It does over 43,000 personal household interviews twice a year. They rotate new houses every couple of years to make sure that it remains as accurate as possible. It also estimates crimes that have been reported and those that have not been reported. It also summarizes the reasons that individuals give for reporting or not reporting the crime. These programs share many similarities and differences. The similarities that they have are that they both measure crimes. The way that they measure crimes are very different from one another. But they both hope to achieve the same things. How they differ the most is in what they do. The UCR is designed to gather information and determine the statistics of the crimes reported by the law enforcement officers. The NCVS was designed to provide information about crimes that used to be unavailable. Also the two crime programs are different in other ways a well. One may judge crime by the size of the household, why the other judge’s crime by the number of crimes divided by so many people in that area. So as you can see even though they are out to achieve the same thing they just do it in different ways. It is hard to tell if the public’s perception of crime has changed over time. American’s perception of crime may be influenced by their assessments of how things are going in the country today. They also perceive it to be on how the country is economically. If America has a higher amount of jobs the crime rate may go down. When jobs are low and there is no work the crime rate may go up. Looking at the amount of crimes committed each year can also determine the public’s perception from one year to another. If they see more crimes in the last two years then they did in the previous years they are going to see that crime is on the high. I think that the future of crime depends on the economy. It also depends on how much crime is reported, and how people relate the experience of their crimes. If crimes are not being reported it is hard to figure out what types of crimes are being committed. It is hard for me to predict the future of crime because each criminal and each crime is different. If there were more people in America that would work as a whole to keep their community as safe as possible, I don’t think that crime would be big in that particular community. Also there are crimes today that are being committed due to lack of jobs. Most people will do what they have to, to make sure that their families are being taken care. A lot of problems today in my opinion depend on job security. If more people could have jobs then I don’t think that there would be as many crimes being committed. The American crime rate in my opinion just depends on the economy and the people in the economy. If you want to make a difference you will. If you don’t then you will be part of the problem not the solution.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nokias Marketing Strategy

Nokias Marketing Strategy Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumers and businesses (Kortler, 2005). Marketing is about stimulating demand for a companys products. Is this sense, marketing can be defined as the art of selling products. However in the modern economies, marketing is more than selling. According to Peter Drucker, a leading management theorist, the aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or the service fits him and sells itself. In this respect, the focus of marketing shifts from convincing people to buy a companys products to discovering the needs of the people and designing products that satisfy these needs. Thus marketing activities should result in customer who is ready to buy. At this point all that is needed is to make the right product available to consumers. A company that is going to be successful in the market place will be that company that will correctly discover the needs of c onsumers and produce products that satisfy them. This is what is called right product based on careful marketing research. Based on the above, marketing is well explained by the definition provided by the American Marketing Association. Thus marketing is defined as the process of planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. Indeed marketing can be defined as simply meeting needs profitably. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. It is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. It is the conscious effort to achieve desired exchange outcomes with target markets. MARKETING STRATEGY A companys marketing strategy will be influenced by the chosen target market and the marketing philosophy being practiced by the management. Target Markets A single company or product can rarely satisfy everyone in a market. People have different tastes and preferences. People differ in terms of age, gender, beliefs, income, religion, and location. All these factors have a bearing on the products that appeal to them. Therefore, marketers must start by dividing or segmenting the market. A company must identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might prefer or require varying product and services mixes. A companys marketing strategy should target that segment that promises the greatest opportunity. The developed market offering is then positioned in the minds of the target buyers as delivering some central benefits. Marketing Orientations or philosophies A marketing philosophy is an orientation or principle that guides a companys marketing activities or efforts. It defines the relative weights that are given to the interests of the organization, the customers, and the society. It is imperative that marketing activities be carried out under well thought out philosophy of efficiency, effectiveness, and social responsibility (Kortler, 2005). Organizations can conduct their marketing activities under different marketing philosophies. They include: the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing concept, and holistic marketing concept. Production concept This concept holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. Such a business will concentrate on achieving high production efficiency, low costs, and mass distribution. The assumption is that consumers are primarily interested in product availability and low prices. This orientation is more often applied in developing countries, where it is assumed, consumers are more interested in obtaining the product than its features. However with the rapid globalization and more informed consumers, this philosophy is rapidly loosing its meaning. Product concept Product concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. Managers in these organizations focus on making superior products and improving them over time. The assumption is that buyers admire well made products and can evaluate quality and performance. Companies that are product oriented believe that their engineers exceptional products that will meet customer expectations. Normally no customer input is sought and competition is not a consideration. This is a make and sell philosophy that does not focus on the customer. Selling concept The selling concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will not buy enough of the organizations products. Aggressive selling and promotion effort is needed to make sales. According to this concept, consumers typically show buying inertia or resistance and therefore must be coaxed into buying. Money is spent on television and radio advertising, posters, mailings. The selling concept is ideal for unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying. Companies that are experiencing overcapacity also engage in aggressive marketing techniques. Their aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the market wants. Marketing concept This is a customer centered philosophy. Instead of hunting for customers, marketing is seen as gardening. The task is not to find the right customers for the company products but the right products for the target customers. According to this concept, the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value to its chosen target markets. The marketing philosophy is preoccupied with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering and finally consuming it. The customer is the king. The marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and profitability. Companies do best when they choose their target markets carefully and prepare tailored marketing programs. Nokia has segmented its market in six regions; Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America. Each region has unique needs addressed by the company in terms of product quality, features, pricing, and durability. Customer concept This involves shaping separate offers, services, and messages to individual customers. The company is forced to collect information on each customers past transactions, demographics, psychographics, and media and distribution preferences. They hope to achieve profitable growth through capturing a larger share of each customers expenditures by building a higher customer loyalty and focusing on customer lifetime value. Societal marketing concept This concept holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys well being. It requires marketers to build social and ethical considerations into their marketing practices. In the modern world that is faced with environmental deterioration, water pollution, resource shortages, hunger, poverty, explosive population, and mushrooming slums, marketing practices should consider the long term benefit of the society or public. COMPANY PROFILE Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of the converging internet and communications industries. The company has operations in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America. In brief the company has a world wide presence. Nokia began as a paper mill company dealing in paper, rubber, and cables in 1865 in South Western, Finland. The company changed to Nokia Corporation in 1968 and positioned itself for a pioneering role in the early evolution of mobile communications. The period 1992 to 2000 experienced a boom in mobile phone use. Nokia made this sector as its core business. By the turn of the century, Nokia had become the world leader in mobile phones. Vision Nokia is a consumer led company. There is a progressive and continuous increase in consumer involvement with technology and communications globally. People are broadening their modes of communication to include the web and, social networks are becoming central to how people communicate. People want to be truly connected, independent of time and place, in a way that is very personal to them. And Nokias promise is to connect people in new and better ways. Strategy Nokias strategy is to build trusted consumer relationships by offering compelling and valued consumer solutions that combine beautiful devices with context enriched services. Corporate Business Development The Nokia Corporate Business Development has the responsibility to manage Nokias Strategic growth areas. Their aim is to look for breakthrough ideas that are industry shakers. These are innovative business concepts and technologies that integrate with and expand beyond Nokia core business. Nokia aims to connect people with new services that are meaningful to them and offer greater benefits by enabling more transactions on the device. New services stem from the local needs of consumers and local expertise. Marketing strategy in place The company heavily depends on advertising and promotion activities to popularize its products. In addition, the company through its research unit is continuously involved in searching for product features that meet the evolving needs of diverse customers. There are different types of Nokia phones in the market ranging from a cheaper to expensive models. The aim is to satisfy the needs of diverse markets. Advertising Program Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. It is important to start by identifying the target market and buyer motives. An advertising program has five components: mission, money, message, media, and measurement. Advertising objectives must flow from prior decisions on target market, market positioning, and marketing mix. Advertising objectives may be to inform, persuade, remind, or reinforce. OVERAL BUSINESS STRATEGY A strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over a long term, which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a changing environment to the needs of markets and fulfill stakeholder expectations. This is the highest strategy level. It is concerned with overall purpose and scope of the firm (Jelassi and Enders, 2009). Corporate strategy addresses issues such as allocation of resources, acquisition, and products to produce. Marketing strategies of the firm are meant to contribute to the realization of the corporate objectives. Incorporating the global environment into marketing planning Business and competition is increasingly taking a global perspective. Goods manufactured in foreign countries are easily finding markets in distant countries thanks to the improved means of communication and transport. Use of e-business in marketing management Marketing activities can now be conducted online. Customers are able to determine the type of merchadize they require on the internet. Communication between suppliers and customers can be done via the internet. CONCLUSION Nokia has adopted the Marketing philosophy or orientation in its marketing activities. The company has also produced a variety of cell phones to meet the diverse market needs. The company has a strong research department that is charged with the responsibility of determining the consumer needs and finding innovative products to meet those needs.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Spellbound :: essays research papers

Spellbound   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the film Spellbound Dr. Murchison, the head of Green Manors mental asylum, is retiring to be replaced by Dr. Edwards, a famous psychiatrist. Dr. Edwards arrives and is immediately attracted to Dr. Constance Peterson. Nevertheless, it soon becomes apparent that Dr. Edwards is a paranoid amnesic fraud. He runs from the police and Dr. Peterson is compelled to find and help him remember what happened to the real Dr. Edwards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Spellbound was not a film noir. Crime and detection wasn’t viewed in a dark and urban environment. The only part that was dark was when Dr. Peterson and the fraud Dr. Edwards where on the train to Rome, Georgia. Dr Peterson was trying to pry memories out of him. I admit that John Ballantine was a bit cynical, but only when he was trying to remember what had happened to him. Otherwise, he was very friendly and sociable.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High contrast lighting was used once, that I noticed. It was used when Dr. Peterson and Dr. Brulov where analyzing â€Å"Dr. Edwards† dream. They figured out why he was scared of white with black lines. Then they showed a picture of the outside where it was snowing and there were sled marks in the snow. Even though I don’t recall any low camera angles, I do know that they had deep focus on that same shot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hero in this film was Dr. Constance Peterson. She was not ruthless and greedy and neither was the assumed criminal. Dr. Peterson was disillusioned because of her love for John Ballantine, but it destructed her sight of logic not her sight to see that John was a criminal. She was but wasn’t alienated from society. The society that she knows is the people she works with, but since she works in a mental asylum she is alienated from â€Å"normal† society. Dr. Peterson works against the police only to find out what actually happened to the real Dr. Edwards, but she is not a suspect to the crime. Personally, I wouldn’t call her psychologically wounded or morally ambiguous, just hard headed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Taste of Honey by Shelagh Delaney Essay -- English Literature

In writing A Taste of Honey, what impact did Shelagh Delaney hope to have upon her audience? What techniques did she use to achieve these aims? Shelagh Delaney wrote "A Taste of Honey" in 1958 when she was only 18. "A Taste of Honey" is a story about the relationship between a girl and her mother. The mother, Helen, who is a semi-whore, leaves her daughter, Jo, to get married to Peter. Jo has a relationship with a sailor and gets pregnant. The sailor then leaves for duty. Jo meets Geoff, they become friends and Geoff offers to help Jo bring up the baby. Helen returns after splitting up with Peter and wants Jo back. The audience that Shelagh Delaney was writing for consisted mainly of middle class and upper class people. Her audience were used to seeing productions about characters leading similar lives to their own. The stereotypical play was where the men worked and the women stayed at home, cleaning and cooking. "A Taste of Honey" did not have these qualities at all. Shelagh Delaney's aims were to shock her audience into seeing what the real world could be like. The audience of the time were relatively un-aware of the truth about working classes and their lives. This type of play was new to the theatrical stage, and could take time before the "working class" plays would be accepted and appreciated. The upper classes were mostly unaware that the lower classes were leading such different lives to themselves. Shelagh Delaney's play brought to light what the lower classes lives were like and the differences between the two classes. The plays of the time had very structured, clear story lines, with stereotypical happy families. Shelagh Delaney challenged these ideas about the ideal play along with man... ... "A Taste of Honey" was inspiration for many writers. The writers of "Soaps" like Coronation Street and Eastenders will have been greatly influenced by the new ideas that Shelagh Delaney had brought into theatre. Shelagh Delaney will have influenced these writers because she had written a play about a topic that hadn't been shown on television before and the producers were looking for new ideas. Shelagh Delaney's work only has a small relevance to today's audience. Most of the ideas and concepts in it are aimed to suit the audience of the 1950's/60's. The theatre audiences of today know that most modern working classes do not live as the characters do in "A Taste of Honey". In "A Taste of Honey" Shelagh Delaney shocked her audience by presenting them with situations that they were not used to. This effect created a well structured and enjoyable play.

Speech for Chinese Medicine

General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of an aspect of Chinese culture, which is is traditional Chinese medicine. Thesis: Traditional Chinese medicine is found in nearly all countries today, which I believe would be the result of intercultural communication. INTRODUCTION I. Hello! For my presentation, I am going to talk about a certain aspect of Chinese culture, which is traditional Chinese medicine. A. TCM, for short, is a practice still used in modern China and most of the United States. B. There are two types of TCM treatments commonly used today. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2009) 1. Herbs 2. Acupuncture C. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2009), herbs and acupuncture are the most common; however, other practices include 1. moxibustion 2. cupping 3. Chinese massage 4. mind-body therapy 5. and dietary therapy D. For this presentation, I will mainly talk about herbs and acupunctu re, since it is the most commonly used forms of TCM. II. Herbs and Accupuncture. A. Both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been used and studied for a wide range of conditions. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2009) 1. Acupuncture has been used for conditions such as a. back pain b. chemotherapy-included nausea c. depression d. osteoarthritis 2. Chinese herbal medicine has been used for conditions such as a. Cancer b. Heart disease c. Diabetes d. HIV/AIDS III. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2009), TCM is considered a form of alternative medicine. A. Alternative medicine is any healing practice that isn't conventional medicine.B. Alternative medicine may be based on historical or cultural traditions, rather than on scientific evidence. (Hesketh & Zhu, 1997) C. Alternative medicine varies from country to country. (Hesketh & Zhu, 1997) [I know that culture, especially Chinese culture may differ from tow n to town in a region as large as China. The main aspects of Chinese culture include its literature, music, cuisine, martial arts, etc. , today I am only going to speak to you about one aspect which is our alternative medicine, but their very own medicine. ) BODY I. China is the only country in the world where Western medicine and traditional medicine are . . . [practiced] . . . alongside each other at every level of the healthcare system. † (Hesketh & Zhu, 1997) A. 40% of all health care delivered in China is Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Hesketh & Zhu, 1997) II. TCM practitioners use a variety of therapies in an effort to promote health and treat disease. The most commonly used are Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2009) A. Chinese herbal medicine 1.The Chinese materia medica (a pharmacological reference books used by TCM practitioners) contains hundreds of medicinal substances- primarily plants, but also s ome minerals and animal products- classified by their perceived action in the body. 2. Different parts of plants such as the leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds are used. 3. Usually, herbs are combined in formulas and given as teas, capsules, tinctures, or powders. B. Acupuncture 1. By stimulating specific points on the body, most often by inserting thin metal needles through the skin, practitioners seek to remove blockages in the flow of qi. . moxibustion (burning moxa- a cone or stick of dried herb, usually mugwort- on or near the skin, sometimes in conjunction with acupuncture) 3. cupping (appyling a heated cup to the skin to create a slight suction) 4. mind-body therapy (qi gong and tai chi) III. â€Å"In spite of the advent of Western practices, the Chinese have never completely ceased to employ their own art of healing, mainly because it continued to fit into their specific philosophy of life, but also because it appears that in frequent cases it was good medicine† (Risse, 1997, p. 7). A. Chinese traditional medicine, the Ayurvedic medicine of India, Tibetan medicine, and other Eastern medical systems evolved, for the most part, independently of Western scientific medicine. B. â€Å"Until the twentieth century the Eastern and Western medical systems were each considered particularly efficacious [,which means, successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective. ] by their own practitioners [ who are people actively engaged in a discipline, or profession, esp. medicine]† (Eisenberg, 1985, p. 2) IV. In an article from the Skeptical Inquirer, Joe Nickell (2012) explains his experience, where he learned about â€Å"Chinese healing techniques. † A. Nickell (2012) explains the origins of traditional Chinese medicine. B. Nickell (2012) learned that TCM is based on the five elements. V. Khalsa (2011) wrote an article titled Ancient Chinese Secrets, which explains the five herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. A. Ginsen g B. Dong quai C. Schisandra D. Ho shou wu E. Astragalus VI.According to a newspaper article titled Chinese herbs that hurt, not heal, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is suffering from modern China's safety troubles and quality control. A. For centuries, traders bringing their Chinese herbs into this town made sure their first stop was the Medicine King Temple. They prayed to the Han Dynasty medical expert Pei Tong, whom the temple was built to honour, asking for their roots, fungus and berries to have the potency to cure the world's ills. The practice has long ceased, especially after the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949.VII. Chinese clamor for herbs to fight respiratory virus- U. N. Doctors inspect Beijing hospital A. Beijing – – The World Health Organization has no evidence to suggest that traditional Chinese medicine can prevent the spread of SARS, but the people in line at Tong Ren Tang Pharmacy don't care. There's a two-hour wait to buy herbs. Eve r since the popular Beijing Evening News newspaper ran a recipe Tuesday concocted by two experts in traditional Chinese medicine, thousands of people have rushed to pharmacies to buy the supposedly immunity-boosting elixir to†¦Conclusion I. TCM follows the belief that ancient Chinese followed many years ago, which is the same as the reasoning behind Chinese Universalism. Their reasoning include: 1. the Tao 2. the Yin and the Yang 3. and finally, the 5 elements, which are water, fire, wood, metal and earth. A. Chinese traditional thinking conceives of man as composed of the same elements as the universe. II. The origins of China's medical history are usually found in legends that come from the tradition of health care over several thousand years. A. nd where contemporary communities promises further insights into the nature of the human response to illness. B. Furthermore, medical historians and medical anthropologists have begun to focus their research on China, where a wealth of written sources permits III. References Eisenberg, D. (1985). Encouners with qi. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company. Hesketh, T. , & Zhu, W. X. (1997). Health in China. traditional Chinese medicine: One country, two systems. British Medical Journal 315(7100), 115-117. Abstract retrieved April 5, 2012 from http://www. cbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles National Center for Complementary and Alternatice Medicine. (2009). Traditional Chinese Medicine. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from http://nccam. nih. gov Nickell, J. (2012). Traditional Chinese medicine: Views east and west. Skeptical Inquirer, 36(2), 18-20. Retrieved April 5, 2012, from Readers' Guide Full Text Mega on-line database (H. W. Wilson) Khalsa, K. P. S. (2011). Ancient Chinese secrets. Amazing Wellness, 3(3), 36-38. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Readers' Guide Full Text Mega on-line database (H. W. Wilson)Risse, G. B. (1973). Modern China and traditional Chinese medicine. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. MacQueen, K. (2001) . The best of both worlds. Maclean's, 114(11), 44-47. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from Readers' Guide Full Text Mega on-line database (H. W. Wilson) Academic honesty. (n. d. ). Retrieved December 2, 2005, from University of Saskatchewan website: http://www. usask. ca/honesty Ancient chinese medicine and mechanistic evidence of acupuncture physiology. Medline Database TCM: Made in China. Medline Database Ginseng, Panax. MedlinePlus

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Organ Donating… Good or Bad?

Organ Donation What is going to happen to your body when you die? Will you be buried, cremated, or will you use it for the benefit of others? Organ donations can save lives and be used for research. Organ donation is not solely restricted to people who have passed. Donating is also possible when you are alive. Every American needs to become an organ donor because millions of lives could be saved. Saving lives after death is one of the major motivating factors for organ donations. One organ can save up to eight lives (â€Å"Organ Donation Facts†).There are over 114,000 people waiting for organ transplants (â€Å"Organ Donation Facts†). There was a case of a woman’s husband dying from a car crash and he donated his organs. A few months after his death she got letters in the mail that his organs saved the lives of five people, one of which was a single mother of two small children. On average, eighteen people die a day from being on the waiting list for organ transp lants (â€Å"Organ Donations†). Every ten minutes someone is added to the waiting list (â€Å"The Need Is Real†). These tragic facts are just some of the reasons why people need to become organ donors.It is also possible to donate certain organs while still being alive. While this is more difficult, there is an excellent success rate for the surgeries (CNN Health). Most of these situations involve donating to a family member, saving the life of someone cared for by the donator. Also, by donating to a family member it makes you closer to that person. After you donate you will be contacted by the person that got your donated organ, in case you want to talk to them ( Living Donors Online). In 2010 more than eighteen thousand kidneys were donated by live donors (â€Å"Save A Life†).If a person needs a new kidney they are on dialysis, but if you would donate a kidney to them it would double there life span (â€Å"Benefits Of Living Donation†). Donating an orga n while being alive is an incredibly generous thing to do and every American should consider. Yet another option is whole body donations for science and research. There is a significant shortage of human tissue, the tissue that they have are being used to find cures for cancer and neurological disorders (Fox News). Tissue is also needed to give surgeons operating experience (Fox News).If surgeons do not get the experience they need then when they go into surgery on someone they are not prepared and are more likely to make a mistake. Also firefighters and EMT's need experience with tissue because of burns and emergency medical treatment (Iiam). Also when you donate your entire body it can be used in museums for educational purposes. This educates people on how the body works and why we should be organ donors (Iiam). Donating for science is a very useful way to donate organs after you die. While donating your body and organs is obviously a selfless and beneficial act, there are some p eople who are opposed to organ donation.There are some who argue that if one is in a situation that requires serious medical attention, doctors will not try as hard to save you because you are a donor and could save others. However, doctors will put just as much effort into saving you because only the transplant team knows if you are an organ donor. Some also believe that old people cannot donate organs, making it impossible for people who die of natural causes to donate. There is no defined age limit for a donor; organs have been successfully transplanted from people in their seventies and eighties.Every American needs to become an organ donor to save and help many lives. Your body has no use to you after you have died. Also you could save up to eight peoples lives. Donating organs while you are alive is also an option when donating and it could save the life of someone very important to you. Research is a very important part of organ donating because it trains medical personnel to be better prepared so that they can save lives when they are working. When you get your license or renew your license, be sure to answer yes to being an organ donor.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Feeding a Rapidly Expanding Population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Feeding a Rapidly Expanding Population - Essay Example First, demand for food is changing fast across the globe. This comes as a result of a larger and wealthier population that has cut straight into the global food supply chain. Second, as food producers seek to produce more, they are required to demonstrate and practice acceptable levels of social and environmental responsibility. The third is the need to eliminate hunger among the world’s most impoverished populations. These three dimensions form the ultimate solution to the problem of feeding nine billion people. In an effort to address these three dimensions of the food problem, it is important to come up with better approaches to meeting the global food demand, which should ensure that, while not much of the uncultivated land will be cultivated, more and higher quality food will be produced. The next section discusses the measures that should be taken in an effort to fulfill this objective. Effective Measures As Godfray and his analysis group have noted, the three-dimensional food problem that is facing the world needs to be addressed by significant changes in the process of food production by the producer and food access by the consumer. In other words, it is important, in an effort to solve the food problem, to execute an overhaul in the global food supply chain in an effort to accomplish the extent of efficiency that was witnessed in the previous three centuries. This is a goal that the world food production chain will have to focus on despite the hurdles that come with the constraints of natural resources.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Politica science - answer to questions Assignment

Politica science - answer to questions - Assignment Example Pluralism champions for the idea of diversity and acceptance of the same. This form of ideology in politics is what modern democracy is based on; while elitism, on one hand, is the attitude that people considered to be elite have a right to give views that count on governance of a country and so forth. Elitist parts of elitism in the election of the president happen in the nomination of the presidential candidates of political parties. This normally happens when the party delegates’ are assigned the task of identifying who among the party members vying for the top seat is fit to be given the party’s ticket in the final race for the top seat in the country. Delegates of a party are a select few in the party who are knowledgeable of the party policies, as well as the ability to forecast the battle ahead on the elections. Delegates share similar schools of thoughts on policies of the party and the way of doing things. Consequently, the pluralism parts of the elections of the president happen when the candidates from both parties are pitted against one another and the whole country; the registered voters countrywide are required to pick their preferred candidate to lead the country. Every party fields its presidential candidate and the voters vote for the person among the candidates whom they deem fit to lead them. Representative democracy, on the other hand, is the form of democracy in which officials are elected to represent the entire citizenry; and to vote on behalf of the populace on issues. This normally happens in Congress or parliaments. This case is somewhat similar to the system in the U.S. even though it is a republic. These were the articles which acted as the initial constitution for the United States of America. They were drafted in the year 1777 by the then Continental Congress, which had passed the Declaration of the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Ottershaw branch of Zinns Burgers and Pizza Essay

Ottershaw branch of Zinns Burgers and Pizza - Essay Example set of values, personalities, norms, assumptions, behaviors, beliefs, ideas and tangible and intangible signs of the organization in its internal and external environments of business conduct. Such tangible and intangible artifacts include organizational goals such as mission and vision. Culture is a tool for the manager to inculcate a set of values, beliefs and ideas in the employee whose vision is then transformed into that that of the organization’s vision. Thus it’s clear that at the Ottershaw branch of Zinn’s Burgers and Pizza the restaurant chain is faced with a number of organizational culture related problems. All beliefs, behaviors, values, vision, mission, personalities and so on have become outmoded. In fact it requires an overhauling sooner. According to Edgar Schein organizational culture is â€Å"A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way you perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems" (Schein, 2004). Schein has provided one of the most thought provoking definitions to organizational culture and goes onto claim that of all the attributes of the organization, culture is perhaps the most difficult to transform. He identifies three attributes in the organization culture. Thus the restaurant needs to revamp its organizational culture related practices and initiatives. Next Geert Hofstede identified five dimensions as the basis for organizational culture (2005). A number of other scholars such as Deal and Kennedy (2000) and Handy produced their theories on organizational culture and have had considerable influence on the subsequent writings and developments on the subject. These theoretical perspectives apart there is a considerable amount of empirical evidence to suggest the significance of various elements of the evolutionary

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Primary Source Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Primary Source Analysis - Research Paper Example He describes the rise of Christians against the Jews as an error in thinking and wonders whether was really inspired by God. Albeit of Aura wanted to portray that the attacks on Christian were not motivated by their duty to defend their religion, but it was out of pure greed for wealth. He claims that in all the successful expeditions the Christians took and shared the large amount of Jews wealth Ekkehard of Aura describes Emico, a Christian soldier as to be of ill morals and compares him to the biblical Saul whose main aim was to persecute the Christians. He describes expeditions over Emico’s leaders as inconsiderate and ruthless. Ekkehard states that the Christian’s were out to attack any Jew they came along with no consideration on their support of Christianity. He tries to bring out a point that, Christian’s goal was to destroy the Jews and rob them of their possessions. Ekkehard and Albert’s claims are somehow different from the letter of Aymeric to L ouis II of France. Aymeric letter’s was meant to put across a message of suffering the Christian’s were facing in the hands of the many organized Jews. The letter was written in such a way to convince the King to offer the Christians support as a fight back toward the many Jews. Aymeric portrays a weak Christian society against a large group of Jews. Albert and Ekkehard notes the Christian’s cruelty, lack of mercy and persecution of the Jews because of their own race. From their presentation of the message the two authors describes Christian’s acts towards the Jews with a lot of personal feelings attached. He portrays their support for the Jews especially where they use strong abusive words to describe the Christians as greedy, cruel, and merciless and error minded. Amyrec on the other side on his letter to the king of France is seen requesting on enforcement against the Jews. The attacks on the Jews that occurred during the first crusade were cruel and u nnecessary acts that have drawn the line between the future Catholics and Jews. But there is no clear evidence on whether the Catholics organized the crusades specifically targeting theJews or it what motivated by the need to rob them their wealth. Amyrec letter shows the catholic Christian’s request for assistance from the western world (France). If the attacks on the Jews originated from the western world, then this doesn’t display the so called a strong tradition of hatred to the Jews communities. If what Ekkehardof Aura witnessed is anything to go by then, it was wrong for very many innocent Jews to be killed on the eyes of the concerned Catholics, with no act to alter the situation, and that so many people were misled into doing injustices and enter into conflicts with strangers whom they had nothing to hold against, whose possessions made them a viable target for greedy and inhuman soldiers. The evidence portrayed by the following authors could install fear, misu nderstanding and hatred among the Jews and the Catholics but it’s not strong enough to claim that there is a tradition for the Jews people. Such claims on the part of the Jews sympathizers will arouse the negative sentiments toward the Christians as the Jews considered them as idolaters and for this reason they had no respect for the Christian’s symbols and religion at large. A large group of soldiers consisting of

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Romanticism - Essay Example Romanticism influenced music and literature, as well as visual art (Tekiner 60). For instance, the Sturm und Drang movement of Germany that exited from the late 1760s to the early 1780s was mainly minor-key musical and revenge-influenced literary, which caused a handful of image artists painting horrifying scenes (Tekiner 60). For a proper case, there is the Nightmare by Henry Fuseli that was painted in 1781. Some artists were into these movements until their relevant ends, whereas others maintained elements of Romanticism as they shifted to new directions (Tekiner 60). The main themes in romanticism included democracy, revolution and republicanism, transcendence and the sublime, the influence of imagination, the source of inspiration and genius, extreme mental states and proto-psychology and finally the natural and nature (Tekiner 79). Radical Romantic-age politics were overly optimistic concerning human nature, always reasoning that human beings are vitally good and their vices are raised through poor education. Republican and democratic movements always advocated for mass education and equal wages as a way of freeing the human heart, as well as the mind from ignorance and poverty —and the ills and vices, which materialize from these evils (Tekiner

Friday, October 4, 2019

Administrative Theory Essay Example for Free

Administrative Theory Essay The issue about the ability of public servants to serve the best interest of the public through a solid public governance and administration system has always been an important point in related debates and discussions. In this paper, the focus will be on the role of the Administrative Theory, its related perspectives and paradigm, and how disaster response actions act as a mirror reflecting the state of public service, and the significance (or lack of) of the Administrative Theory in today’s world. Disasters, some say, bring out the best in everyone. If this was true, then the worst disasters can be used to gauge public service and the ability and competence of public servants as well as the use and significance of dogmas, structures, policies, beliefs and design of pubic administration in the modern day life. An example of one of the deadliest modern day natural disaster is Hurricane Katrina. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay â€Å"Hurricane Katrina may be the largest natural disaster in dollar terms in U. S. history, with damage exceeding $50 billion (Birkland, 2006, p. 105). † Hurricane Katrina, for its ferocity, strength, and extent of damage is a good case study in the assessment of public service doctrine use and compatibility, as well as the competence and ability of the people working under these public service perspectives to cope and cooperate successfully under a pre-defined dogma. Ideally, the Administrative Theory was designed so that a particular process and protocol is established so that actions of different individuals, serving to be able to accomplish one purpose, are constructive and contributing towards the achievement of a particular goal, in essence making the theory the catalyst of the start of a process that can provide assistance. The Administrative Theory, as an idea, is always expected to influence constructive and positive output from any endeavor (i. e. response to a natural disaster). But in application, the use of the existing paradigm for Administrative Theory is not always assisting the efforts during a natural disaster. Sometimes it also hinders the effective delegation of assistance and response by individuals and agencies during a natural disaster because it is incomplete and not fully suitable for the present design of local and federal governance as it is applied in the United States. The best example to use as a case study to determine Administrative Theory’s characteristic as being unsuitable and incomplete when used in the current system of governance in the United States is the administration problems that happened during the Hurricane Katrina disaster response and management. Following the idea of the Administrative Theory, members of the agencies responsible for responding to the victims of Hurricane Katrina should have effortlessly handled the situation considering that everyone has a task to fulfil. What the Administrative Theory failed to discuss and include in its parameters is the complexity brought about by inter-agency operation present during the Hurricane Katrina disaster management action and similar incidents. Because of the rigors of the Administrative Theory and the limitations that are found in the theory’s nature and essence, how the people acted and reacted with each other during the disaster response was far from being smooth and flawless. In the assessment of the Hurricane Katrina public administration efforts for disaster response and assistance, observers can see that in employing the ideas found in the Administrative Theory (as well as with consideration to other factors too), the situation became more problematic and complicated. â€Å"Then Hurricane Katrina slammed into the coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi, virtually destroying New Orleans and many smaller communities along the Gulf Coast. Although arguments continued long afterward about the adequacy of federal, state , and local emergency response, in the minds of many Americans government had failed its most basic responsibility: to help its citizens in a time of dire need and to protect them from further harm (Stivers, 2008, p. 73). † Because of this, it can be considered that the Administrative Theory can be considered as a source of hindrance and not a source of assistance in the effective action during natural disaster response, assistance and management. What are the issues? There is just one important issue that is connected with the assessment of the impact of the Administrative Theory and the disaster management during Hurricane Katrina. This is the assessment of the administrative aspect of the local and federal government, and why many individuals believe that in general such efforts failed. The Hurricane Katrina and how the government (local and federal) responded, cooperated and interacted during the disaster management efforts provided a classic case wherein administrative theories and its use or absence is seen and reflected. The issue focuses on the fact that despite the country’s capability – material and theoretical – to respond well and effectively during disasters like Hurricane Katrina. The effort was considered as a failure, owed largely to the role of the existing public administration approach. The presence of Administrative Theory aspects, in this case, and how this particular disaster management effort brings to light what is lacking in the current public administration theories and models. The realization, all in all, is that the ensuing complexity of local and federal governance makes elusive the perfect formula for effective public administration and governance in different levels, including disaster response and management. â€Å"People who study and practice administration often take the view, perhaps only half-consciously, that if only the right formula for organizing work and assigning responsibility can be found, things will fall into place and everything will run smoothly or, at least, more so than before. Many of the post-Katrina criticisms levelled at governments have centered on failure to coordinate rescue efforts. These charges reflect the continuing belief in the power of the right system. Certainly they mark the belief that there is a right system (Stivers, 2008, p. 73). † Who are the actors? In the assessment of the Hurricane Katrina and the assessment of the Administrative Theory perspective in the effort to provide disaster response, assistance and management in the location of the disaster, it is important to identify the actors (individuals and agencies) who took part in the effort who may or may not be responsible not only for what measure of success there is in the endeavor but also in the failure of the parameters and perspective of the Administrative Theory in this particular scenario. The Administrative Theory talks about roles and responsibilities, but it did not explain how complexities of these things should be addressed during interagency response to natural disasters, something that happened during Hurricane Katrina. â€Å"Interagency relationships lead to well documented problems associated with unclear authority and responsibility. The House committee examining the government response to Hurricane Katrina blames all levels of government, from the White House, to Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, to Mayor Ray Nagins of New Orleans, for the delayed response to the storm (Callahan, 2006, p. 139). † This is just a ballpark assessment of the list of characters involved who also contributed to the failure of the disaster rescue and assistance action, despite administrative practices and because of the incompetence of such measures in handling real life scenario. Other participants are identified by the National Response Plan (NRP) program of the government, which identifies the federal as well as non federal agencies and organizations which should be involved in the time of disaster management (Hogan, Burnstein, 2007, p. 151). But NRP in itself was considered by some as problematic. â€Å"As Hurricane Katrina plowed ashore, this cumbersome and contradictory schematic of national disaster response was about to be put to a stern test (Cooper, Block, 2007, p. 130). † There are also some other actors who are involved in this interagency action and it included government entities (military, paramedic, search and rescue units, office of the mayor and governor, etc) as well as private (NGOs and private citizens). What leads the various actors to make the choices or take the positions that they do? There are several reasons that could answer the question about the motivation of the actors to act or decide as they did at the height of the Hurricane Katrina. This may include accountability, responsibility, initiative, instinct or even the sense of direction coming from an existing protocol and systematic approach to problems such as this. How each actor weighs each and any of these is another consideration. Some of these maybe personal forces (i. e. instinct, initiative, a sense of ethics and responsibility, personal clarity of mind and sense of direction during crisis, etc), while other possible motivation maybe organization forces. There are also other reasons, like the absence of a possible course of action that directs everyone involved inside a particular course of action for this eventuality. â€Å"The NRP offers no clear guidance on what distinguishes a run-of-the-mill disaster from a catastrophic event. But generally, catastrophic events imperil the national leadership, echo through the national economy and cause national disruptions (Cooper, Block, 2007, p. 130). † What are the organizational forces? Even if there were aspects of the Administrative Theory in use during the effort to provide assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina which can be categorized as organization forces, some of these aspects maybe considered useless as well because these forces (like the push and pull of the initiatives and information of the people working under the system) are not properly acted upon. Take for example, the characteristic of the Administrative Theory about the idea of chain of command and information sharing based on a ladder-type hierarchy. This aspect was in use, pre-Katrina, as well as during and after the Katrina crisis. But critics believe that it was a failure nonetheless because the response of the individuals to the information shared through the chain of command was not properly acted upon. Because of this, there were feelings of dismay and low moral, and some people integral in this chain of command, realizing the breakdown and futility of such design, resigned from their position. â€Å"Matthew Broderick, head of the DHS Operations Directorate and the HSOC, resigned effective March 31, 2006, following the House of Representatives report on Katrina, which singled him out for failing to inform high-level officials of Katrinas devastating impacts William Carwile, a veteran FCO who had been put in charge of the Katrina response for Mississippi and who had struggled to inform the administration that Katrinas impacts were truly catastrophic, resigned his post and left government service shortly after Katrina (Tierney, Bevc, 2007, p. 48). † What are the external forces? While external forces were hardly discussed as source of the failure of the operation to answer the devastation of Katrina immediately and in the long term, there may also be external forces at play in this situation. This may include the presence of political consideration of political leaders that could have affected and influenced the actions that they took during the disaster. Foreign aid and support, as well as foreign pressure, and the threats coming from the outside which may aggravate the situation inside Mississippi and New Orleans, may have also contributed to the turn out of the rescue and assistance efforts.